Monday, October 22, 2012

A Plethera of Thieves

No one believes me here at work when I say this area is getting worse.

Yet another thief the other day. It makes me wonder how much people DO steal and we only catch the idiots that aren't smart enough to hide it.

This one walked in and went over to the energy drinks right away. He was standing there for awhile and doing the usual glancing-up-at-the-counter-to-see-if-anyone-is-watching stare. Naturally I was watching on the monitor. Sometimes the monitor doesn't show things clearly, though. I thought I saw him shove something down his pants but I wasn't sure.

While I was debating on what to do, he walked out of the store.

Lucky for me he was in a car with three other guys and lucky for me the reason they had pulled into the parking lot in the first place was because they saw a cute girl pumping gas and probably wanted to harass her. While she was inside paying, they were all waiting for her to come back out which gave me time to look up the video and see that yes, indeed, he had shoved a Monster energy drink down his pants. Asshole.

So I go outside and walk up to their car. These four guys looked like complete trash. I needed to take a shower just from looking at them. The one that stole was sitting in the back seat.

I knocked on his window. "You owe me $4."

"For what?" he yelled through the closed window.

"The drink you stole. Either that or I can call the cops."

He started shuffling around inside his pants. It honestly looked like he was masturbating. I wouldn't have been surprised if he was, with the kind of people we've been getting around here.

After a few seconds he produced the Monster energy drink and passed it to the driver to hand to me.

I backed away. "I don't want it, that's been in your pants. Who knows what kind of diseases are on it now." His friends started snickering.

"Well I don't have any money for it," he yelled.

"That's fine, I'll call the cops," I said as I started to walk away.

"Wait!" he yelled. I walked back over and the four guys all started ruffling around in their pants, on the floor, in the glove compartment and in the middle console. Group orgy.

After about a minute they all pooled their various bills and change together and dumped all of it into my outstretched hand.

"Don't ever come in here anymore or I'll call the police and post your pictures at the register," I said as I walked away.

Chasing after $4 energy drinks, come on. At least steal milk and bread. I won't come after you then.

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