Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Forcing a Donation

What NOT to do when you're a cashier at a clothing store:

Cashier: Your total is $19.90. Would you like to make a donation to St. Jude's Hospital?

Customer: No, that's okay.

Cashier: You don't want to donate even a dollar?

Customer: No.

Cashier: What about rounding your total up to $20.00? That's only a 10 cent donation.

Customer: I said no.

Yes, this happened; a cashier pushing a customer to donate. I'm glad we don't do this shit at my store. And that cashier is also lucky that she wasn't ringing ME up that day. My sister was the customer and is always too nice to say anything when stuff like this happens. So when she tells me I'm usually the one that gets fired up and complains.

This cashier was also a complete bitch to my sister regarding some promotion that was going on.

Listen, I get it. Customers are assholes around this time of year. But forget all that, why try and make someone feel bad because they don't want to donate their money? My sister walked out of that store feeling like a bad person because she didn't donate anything, but she didn't WANT to donate because of the attitude of this cashier.

So yes, I will be calling the manager or going to see the manager in the store and complaining about this lady. It doesn't matter that it was my sister. If I had been in line and heard her doing this to someone else, I would have said something too.

Please, all cashiers out there, don't do this. No one has to donate any of their hard earned money. And for all you know, they may donate their money somewhere else. Or they may be having a rough time right now and can't afford to give. Not even 10 cents.

Has anyone ever had this happen to them before?


  1. I agree with you on this. I make donations all year long, not just at Christmas. I know where I want my money to go and that's where it goes. It's not even okay to ask if you ask me. I'd complain too.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  2. Personally I don't like the fact that stores do this. And why is that they do? Because then it's their name that goes on the hefty donation they are making to whatever charity. Makes them look good. If they want to put a box next to the register for customers to drop coins or bills in that's one thing but I hate being asked if I would like to add a donation to my bill.

    1. I never thought of it like that, that the companies name gets put on the donation. I don't mind either if there is a box next to the register. Then it's not as awkward.

    2. Depends on the business. I'm at a major retailer, and the places the donations go to know the donations are coming via the customers.

  3. Certainly been asked - supermarkets do this all the time - but once I declined the conversation was over. I don't mind if they ask, but pushing it would annoy the heck out of me...

    1. That's how it usually goes for me, too. The conversation is done and over with when I say no.

  4. Four times a year, we have to ask for donations to something. I hate doing it. When I do ask, if a customer says "no", I just let it go. It's their choice. I sure don't contribute myself each and every time I buy something there. But I usually avoid asking...sometimes I'll ask every few customers, just to get a donation or two every hour or so so it looks like I'm asking each and every one. But I'm not.

  5. Like Grace, I've had this done in a grocery store, but thankfully not often. I always feel like a jerk saying no I don't want to donate. I do it elsewhere for charities I support. I think it's fine if they leave those coupon things by the register. If you want to give say, $5 or $10, you grab a coupon and hand it to the cashier and they add it to your bill.

  6. Our company sets a goal for us to hit, if we don't get it during our shift, our hours get cut, so cut us a break.

  7. Quite some time ago, maybe you forgot, you expressed anger with a customer who barked at you when you solicited a donation for breast cancer.

    Now maybe you see why he did that. These things get pushier all the time. He may have experienced the type of tactics you describe above and wanted to cut it all off before it started. Maybe now you can see someone elses side of things?

  8. I hate it too, but I've got no problem donating my change when I cash my check at the bank, its something for feeding hungry children. On payday I always donate the cents of my check, plus maybe some loose coin in my pocket. I don't like feeling pressured to donate by a bitch cashier. I've been on the flip side, I would ask the customer if they would like to donate their change, if they say no, I accept that and wish them a nice day. We have a jar for child abuse something, if a customer tells me to keep the change, anything over a nickle I put in the jar.but pennies I keep in the take a penny cup

  9. I hate it too, but I've got no problem donating my change when I cash my check at the bank, its something for feeding hungry children. On payday I always donate the cents of my check, plus maybe some loose coin in my pocket. I don't like feeling pressured to donate by a bitch cashier. I've been on the flip side, I would ask the customer if they would like to donate their change, if they say no, I accept that and wish them a nice day. We have a jar for child abuse something, if a customer tells me to keep the change, anything over a nickle I put in the jar.but pennies I keep in the take a penny cup



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