Monday, October 25, 2010

Don't Hurt Yourself Now

So the other day I'm filling my cup with hot water to put my teabag in. I'm standing there talking to an annoying customer. I look up, and my coworker is not paying attention (as usual) to the line that has formed at the register.

As I'm running over there calling her name and going to help ring up customers, I hit one of the racks and end up spilling my hot boiling cup of water all over my arm and the floor. It hurt, bad.

While I'm standing there in a daze from the burning sensation, the customer that was talking to me goes "Oh, don't hurt yourself," with a smirk on his face. I wanted to tell him to fuck off, or even throw the rest of the hot water in his face to see how he liked it, but instead told him "Thanks for caring so much" and walked away.

Really? Do you really think I want to hear that fucking shit as I'm standing there with scalding hot water all over my arm? Fuck you, buddy.

I hate when people think they're funny by saying stuff like that. "Don't hurt yourself"? Am I supposed to be like "Oh gosh, mister, thanks. Even though I just burned myself, I was about to start cutting myself too just to make it hurt worse. But since you told me to not hurt myself, I guess I won't do it then. You've saved the day!"

Just once, when someone says something like that to me, I'd like to get a running start and push them in the chest as hard as I can. And then I'd watch it over and over again on the security cameras. While eating popcorn.


  1. OOOH! Better yet, make it into a .gif and post it on your blog. By the way, is ".gif" what they call those videos you don't have to download but still move, Harry-Potter-wizard-photo style, on the page? See how tech savvy I am?

    Anyway, you could add a sound clip. Push the person really hard, watch them fall and smack his empty head, then ask him, "So. How'd that feel?"

    Sorry about your arm. I hope that you are feeling better.

  2. I only wish I could put a video of it on my blog. :-)

    And my arm feels much better, thanks. :-D

  3. "Just once, when someone says something like that to me, I'd like to get a running start and push them in the chest as hard as I can." Thank God, I was not drinking a soda when I read this because it woulod have been all over my husband!



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